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is my rat pregnant???

21 17:33:23


is she pregnant??
i have been keeping rescued rats for about 7 years now, so i am fairly experiened and know most things about them, although i have no experience with pregnant rats.a couple of weeks ago i adopted a new 4month old rat who ahs had a litter of babies about a month before i got her as her previous owners housed her with a male, now she has started to get a big belly and it bulgdes at the side so i am thinking she is pregnant, i have seperated her from her cage mates incase she is and have been giving her extra prtone and fat foods to help the babies develp and keep her energy up, but i was wondering if you would be bale to look at the pic of her from a couple of days ago and see if she does actually look pregnant.?? she has got bigger over the last few days.

She looks as if she could be; but do the math on it with your specific dates to see if its possible -- you would know the dates, of course!

a rat's gestation is 21 to 23 days. So 23 days count from the very LAST day she was housed with that male (or with those other people) that you're aware of, and that would be when she was very lastly "due". Then watch and wait. If she passes her "due" date and is still huge and growing, then you need to take her to a vet and find out what is really going on.

you're doing very well taking care of her. And I'm glad you rescued her!!