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Need your advice

21 17:24:15

I am a  research scientist and currently in possession of some rats for a particular experiment. About 2 weeks after taking possession of the animals, i discover some of them had begin to suffer hair loss on the back and their scalp appear reddish. Although they all appear normal and they eat normally. A colleague check them out and suggested they may be infected with fungi. I am worried, what do you suggest i do.


Is it more on the reddish-orange color?  Are the rats males?

Sounds like its "buck grease" which is a greasy film found on the skin, often seen in males. It is usually fueled by an over production of hormones, namely testosterone, which creates a greasy orange film that adheres to the skin and may even flake off onto the fur like dandruff. Its not easy to remove simply by washing them off. It is found in places that may be harder for the rat to keep clean, especially on their back and behind the neck etc...

One way to remove it is to wash the rat but use a soft bristle brush such as a toothbrush used for babies and a bit of mild soap.  You can only work at it a little at a time so not to cause irritation. It may take a few baths/soakings to really loosen things up. Also, what can aid in loosening the grease so it comes off easier is too add something to their diet will provide omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed oil and olive oil are good sources and you can add some to a cracker a few times a week. They will love it.