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cant hold food with her front paws

21 17:19:51

She hasnt got one eye bulging out or anything and pupils look same size but i have in the last 2 days noticed some blood in the corner of her eye. Regarding her front paws she is now unable to hold her food and just chews it in her mouth, which looks very awkward.
I watched her the other day when she had some food in her mouth and she kept trying to grasp it with her paws but just kept missing the piece of food and then gave up.
Does this sound like the pituatary tumour?? She seems to have a lot of the signs.
Anyhow, i am taking her back to vets again today to tell them and see about a steroid injection or something. I have stopped giving her metacam as it doesnt really seems to be doing anything!?
She hasn't lost her appetite though and is still eating and drinking. I am giving her softer foods now though and apple sauce on it which helps it to stick down and not move around when shes trying to eat it. i will let you know what vets say. Thank you so much again, you are so helpful.

HI Sarah

Yes, it does sound like a pituitary tumor. I wish I could say it didn't, but it does.

Try giving her baby food. Put it on your finger first to let her lick it and try putting it on a flat dish so she can lick it.  The vet should have no problem giving steroids to her at this point. Even if it eventually can lower her immune system, she probably wont be around for that to even occur and at this point in her life the benefits out weigh the risks.

Not sure if I gave you this link but if not, here it is.