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hairless rat eye

21 17:51:03

QUESTION: My hairless rat is about 1 year old and has developed some sort of eye condition.  Her symptoms have lasted about 2 months. She has red eyes, and they have been very watery and gooshy looking, with periods of swelling and also in the corner of the eye towards the nose there seems to be a white growth or discoloration, do you know what this might be?

ANSWER: Hi Candie

Wow it must be in the air...I just had three readers write in over the past few days with rats that have eye infections.

Hairless rats...they dont have eyelashes so they are prone to infection even more than furred rats.

What color is the "gooshy" discharge?

Is there an odor?

Is she rubbing her eyes?

Is it both eyes or just one?

Any sneezing along with this?

Let me know and I will comment further after hearing from you. Hang in there!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the dischage is red which I know is usually normal.  I have not noticed an odor, she does rub her eye but not excessivly,it is in just one eye,and yes there is sneezing quite a bit but she has always done that. thank u for your time

ANSWER: Acutally, the red discharge is not normal. It is an indicator that the rat is stressed due to illness.  The red mucus, porphyrin, is produced by the harderian gland that is located behind the eyes. A small trace around the nose upon waking up is normal as is a bit of sneezing, but when the harderian gland starts producing excessive amounts to the point it cakes around the eyes.  The growth you describe seems to point toward possibly a clogged duct. You can hold warm compresses on her eyes to see if the swelling she had subsides.  I agree that sometimes rats can sneeze because, well, its just what they do. Some experts say a healthy rat does NOT sneeze but I disagree mainly because some rats have higher histamine levels than other rats and this can cause sneezing at the drop of a hat.

I usually suggest a vet in these cases because often, medication that is warranted for this condition needs to be prescribed by a vet. Do you need a vet that cares for rats? If so, all I need is a zip code and I can look for a good vet to take care of your little naked girl!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you ror the reply it is ver y helpful, and yes i would like to know where a rat vet is my zip is 77372.

Two names, both certified bonified exotic vets that see rats and other rodents!  You are lucky to have them, esp the first Dr, who is Dr. Cruzen. Great Vet!!!!

Dr. Roy Cruzen
Steeplechase Animal Hospital    
9609 F.M. 1960 West
Houston TX 77070-6110
Phone:    281-890-7257

Dr. Kristina Pilgram
Bissonnet/Southampton Veterinary Clinic    
2028 Bissonnet
Houston TX 77005
Phone:    713-520-8743