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head tilt

21 17:01:04

My vet is willing to sell me the Baytril but has for dogs.  Can you give the how much in ml. and how often.  He also asked if the baytril is oral; injectable; or in ears.
His # is (951) 657-3139 and he is Dr. Rob Runde

He hasn't treated rats since school, but will sell me the medication, since he'd been my vet for about 15 years.

How much Baytril and does she need steroids?  How much how ofter?
she is abou 7-8 months old.
Thank you,
Beverly Heath and Head Tip Tippy

I am very sorry but I am simply not qualified to answer this question.  I am not a vet and state this in my profile.  If I were to even try to offer a suggested dosage, should your rat have complications, it would not be a good thing as you can imagine.  So much more goes into measuring dosage for any medication than just your rat's age, such as your rat's weight, etc.

I am quite surprised that your vet would sell you the Baytril to use on your rat at your discretion!  My recommendation is to find a vet that treats exotic pets.  I would not recommend that you purchase the meds from your vet, even if you do research about the dosage, and treat your rat on your own....that is just too risky.  Sorry I couldn't be of any further help.