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RIP toffee

21 17:09:52

Hi Sandra
just to let you know I had my sweet little baby put to sleep this morning. Early this morning she was flapping around her cage with her tail twitching and she couldn't control her legs. I think it must have been from the HLD squashing the nerves. She had a big tumour under her front leg (bit smaller than a golf ball), a largish tumour by her lady bits and the vet said he could feel another tumour where her liver would be.
I got her out the cage and calmed her down and we had a cuddle for a couple of hours whilst she layed on my chest eating her vitamin supplement.
My little girl made it to 3 years and nearly 2 months.
RIP little Toffee. Your not in pain anymore. I hope I made the right decision x

Awww Vicky, tears are coming down my face.  I feel like I knew her.....and you did make the right decision.  Rats are proud animals, it takes alot for them to let go. We have to do it for them to save them from suffering. Rats deserve their dignity, she would not want to live like that.  I am so sorry for your loss.  She lived a nice long life!