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my rats are acting stupid

21 17:02:49


my boyfriend and I have 2 rats (5 months and 3-4 months). They are nice and don't bite, we have even managed to learn the older rat not to bite wires and they both know how to beg for food. But it seems like they don't want to come from the cage on the hand to be held, cuddled or played out of the cage. And when we do get them out, they are calm for few moment and than they get freak out and want to get back in the cage. They eat only in the cage. And if we are not in the room where the cage is, they are very frightened and on our shoulders or in our pockets, but when we return to the room, they start climbing down and into the cage. We are also changing the cage a bit, because it seems they were having the toilet in the same spot they were sleeping. So we moved the dirty paper from one spot to the other and clean the sleeping spot, but now they pee in the both places. They also don't come when we call them. We know rats are intelligent, but we thing our rats are acting stupid and don't obey us.

Rats aren't stupid they are actually really smart,  Rats will act how they feel, just because they don't want to come to you, or listen when called just means they need more time with their owners.  There isn't anything wrong with them, if you let them act the way they are acting you are just teaching them its okay. All rats would rather be back in the cage then with their humans if the owners don't spend enough time with them.

Make play time with them more enjoyable, give them praise and treats when they listen. Just like a dog. You can't expect them just to listen you do have to train them.