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Question about sick rat

21 17:10:18


I read that question and the answer had said, You know how much children's ibuprofen to give in a safe dose. I was wondering if you could give me an idea of a rat that is around 300 grams last time I had checked. I do not have a scale right now. What would a safe dose for her?

She seems to have the exact problems the rat did in that question. I feed her various baby foods, and a diet I made for her, and it has kept her alive for a good 3 months now. She does not use her back legs at all, I take very good care of her though.. she is in a flat tank cage with baby blankets on the bottom changed daily, along with being fed baby food 3 times a day.

The link you provided does not take me to any specific message, just a page with all of my previously answered questions so I do not know what message your talking about in order to know what type of illness your rat may have.

How old is she?

Can you copy and paste the content of the message on our follow up?