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pet rat has lump on neck

21 17:27:27

QUESTION: Hello, I have a pet rat who seems to have developed a almost marble sized lump under her neck overnight. I am always holding her and playing with her belly and believe i would have seen it if it was growing. I have three other female rats as well. I have been reading and trying to search online wether this is a tumor or abscess. Sometimes she gets in territory scuffles with one of the others, and i think i can see a scab... also an indication of maybe an abscess i think?

here is a picture

your help is greatly appreciated

Yummy Yogis!!
Yummy Yogis!!  
ANSWER: The photo would not show but you can attach the photo here when your done responding on your follow up.  It will say ATTACH IMAGE and the photo will show up on the right hand side.  I will put a picture up for an example.

Anyhow, if it came up fast, it is probably an abscess and if there is a scab, this is usually a bit of necrotic tissue which also means abscess.  It could be anything to be honest since I cannot say without seeing her, it could be a tumor that was small but abscessed, but it really does sound like its an abscess, esp if you notice they squabble etc..   

What you can do is try to hold a warm cloth on it or even a sock full of rice and nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds to get it warm. Try to apply it to the mass for a few minutes.  It will come to a head on its own, however, but its best you are there to try to get all of the pus and funk out of it.  If you pick the scab off, chances that pus will come out are likely.  Applying the heat will loosen the scab too.  Once this happens, press UNDER the mass gently but firmly and continue to express any pus that remains. Flush with saline solution (avoid peroxide as this can damage delicate tissue and it burns like heck) if you dont have any normal saline, use warm clear water and pat it dry. Apply antibiotic ointment and keep her busy for a few minutes to the antibiotic properties absorb in before she starts to lick and wipe it off.  Keep an eye on it for more pus to fill up, but if you keep it clean and keep pressing around the base if you see it swell up again, it should heal shut and be gone in a few days.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your response and instructions. here is the image of the lump on her

Abscess!  No doubt in my mind about that!!

Get ready, its about ripe and very ready to rupture.  Use the technique I told you about and get plenty of paper towels to wipe any pus away. I can see the yellowish pus right in the head. The odor may be strong too since it is bacteria and you want to get that all out best you can.

Dont worry, they are common and easily treated by the owner.  A vet will charge you a fortune and want to remove it by surgery which is unnecessary if they are the money hungry kind, and there are many that are, sadly.  ON a good note, there are  good vets that will not do that and instead, they will pop it for you but they will still charge a decent fee.

 Its up to you if you want to take her in to the vet and let the vet do the dirty deed, but if you would prefer to save the money for something more serious, I am confident you can do this yourself. In fact, most people write to me and dont even have to do a thing because the rat pops it and cleans it up by herself. I dont suggest this though, since you dont really want her to swallow that nasty pus, but they still do it themselves in many cases.

let me know if it pops and how it all goes.  Hang in there.  This is not a serious thing , she will be just fine, cross my heart!