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Just one rat?

21 17:58:49

Hi, my question is fairly general, but I am just looking for your opinion. First, I'd like to say I'm 20 years old, and in the past, I've had three other rats as pets. I had a female when i was in elementary school, and we were best of friends, and one in middle school, and also a male in high school. All lived great lives and were excellent pets. Every time I've had a pet rat, I've had only one. Well, now, after making myself wait until I found the right one, I've received a beautiful lil girl, Gypsy, and have since gotten a cage for her. It's a nice three leveled mesh cage, she's lovin climbing around. It really is only spacious enough for one though, two would be a squeeze. I haven't found it a problem having just one rat, and haven't really noticed any unhappiness in them, seeing as I play with them constantly. What's your opinion on keeping just one in my situation? So long as I continue providing adequate attention, should Gyp be a happy girl?

Personally, I think rats always NEED another rat.  I too have in the past kept single rats, but rats are happier and healthier in pairs or more. Currenlt I have 6 girls living together and 5 boys living together. Think if you only had animals as company? Rats need company for when you cant be there, they need to groom each other as it's a natural instinct, they keep each other warm at night, and they do communicate. Knowing what I do now, I would never keep a lone rat. I can't be with my rats 24 hours a day, and I'm sure you can't ethier. Of course your other rats wouldnt seem unhappy,  they dont know what they are missing. Honestly, rats are very social and we just cant provide them with what they need ffom their own species.  You will notice a difference if you have 2.