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Swollen eye and other issues

21 17:18:28

Hello. A little over a week ago, my rat Katrina almost lost her right eye. It literally almost popped out. It happened within 15 minutes. I checked her once, and she was fine, and when I checked her again, her eye was bulged out. I got her to the vet and they gave her a combination of baytril, metacam, and Gentasone opthalmic drops. The swelling in her eye has gone down quite a bit, but it looks 'foggy' and I'm pretty sure she's blind in that eye now. The vet said it looked like external trauma caused it, but I'll never really know what happened. Now, she's really lethargic, uncoordinated, and her nose is swollen. She also has a lot of porphyrin around her eyes. She sits there and her sides just kind of hang, almost like she's given up. I don't know what is going on with her. She goes to the vet tomorrow morning for a recheck, but with how she is right now, I'm not sure if she'll make it. She's been eating some baby food, but she's still fading. Do you know what could be causing this?

She may have a tumor behind her eye or an abscess.  Has the vet checked using an xray?  Sometimes total enucleation of the rats eye is needed to save the rats life.  My rat lived with just one eye after having it removed due to a tumor and he did great.  Is your vet an exotic vet or just a general DVM that sees pocket pets?  If so, these vets usually are not capable of removing the rats eye due to the small area and the fact they need the proper implements to do the surgery.   Let me know right away so we can possibly save this little girls life.