Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat eye got cut

rat eye got cut

21 17:24:10

hello mam I was wanting to know if my 2 month old rats right eye would
heal on its own if he got it cut. My little nephew told me he flicked it when
it nipped him. He tells me he might have in accident he says he meant to
flick him but not in the eye. Its been bleeding lightly. The last thing I want
to do is put him down and I cant afford to go to a vet right now. I wish I
never let him hold him w/o my supervision. Hes almost an albino but has
just a little of a vanilla color on his head. Hes been acting just fine not
paying to much attention to his eye as if nothing has happened. his
normal eyes is a redish brown and his injured eye is red. Im just praying
he dont get my other rats sick. I am feeling so neglegant.


I think the eye should be ok, but be sure to tell everyone that flicking a rat if they nip is wrong.   You cant discipline a rat like that.  In fact, you cant discipline a rat at all.  They are not like dogs that can understand scolding.

Hands off the rat for the nephew and dont blame yourself, consider it a lesson learned and you wont feel so bad.  Thats what I do :)