Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my new rat is sneezing

my new rat is sneezing

21 17:27:14

my new rat is schratching we got him from the pet shop 3 days ago and he is 13 weeks old. is it normal for rats to scratch a lot.

ps. i used the fle,tick and lice treatment.

I hope you did not use any over the counter flea, lice and tick treatment, esp on a baby that young.  If he has parasites the only safe remedy is to have a vet apply a topical liquid that kills them and they dose by weight.  Sprays and powders are especially dangerous to rats due to their delicate lungs. Many over the counter products have been known to cause death in dogs and even cats.

I am sure your rat is ok or you would have probably written again by now, but lets start to examine him first and see if you notice any tiny critters on his skin.  Keep in mind these critters live in the cage within the bedding rather than on the rat, going on the rat only long enough to feed.  Rats do groom and scratch alot, but not to the point where they get scabs. Does your rat have scabs or bald patches?