Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Bitsy


21 17:02:18

Hi Sandra
Im just writing to you to let you know that I had to have Bitsy put to sleep on Wednesday as we think she had a stroke during the night. she had no use in her legs it was awful she was very special to my partner and i and we will never forget her. Her sister Itsy is really lost in her cage without her she is still eating and drinking which is a good sign but over the last few weeks she seems to have forgotten how to get out of her cage so now we have to get her out its like she has dementa is that possible with a rat as the same thing happened to Bisty a few months before she became ill she is 2 years and 1 month old.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know all too well how painful it is to lose your rats. Right now for the first time in a long time I am without rats, losing my last beloved rat two weeks ago.:(  I do have two newborn rats reserved from a rat breeder though so that helps heal my broken heart some.

As for your lone girl, 2 years old is not that old, despite popular belief. A well bred healthy rat can live to be well over 3 years old.  2 is just the start of old age for a rat.  She could be totally lost without her cagemate. Do you plan on getting more rats?  If so, the time is now to buy a pair of young females and slowly introduce them to your sweet sole survivor.