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upper respiratory infection?

21 17:49:33

I purchased 2 adorable rats from a pet store about 24 hours ago. Allie seems fine, but Kate seems to be breathing funny.She has an almost spastic breathing pattern. She has been very lethargic as well.  I took her back to the pet store, and the employee said she probably has an upper respiratory infection. However, the employee did not seem very knowledgable on rat health. They gave me an antibiotic pill to crush and add to her water (1 tablet of Ornacyn-Plus with vitamins and amino acids for birds mixed with 48 oz. of water)and recommended that I use cotton bedding instead of the pine shavings they sold me yesterday. I have only been a rat "Mommy" for 24 hours, so I'm concerned about the proper way to treat a URI or even if that is what is wrong with her. Any advice would be appreciated. P.S. I've been doing alot of research on the internet and alot of the information contradicts with what the pet store told me in regards to caring for pet rats. I'm really in the dark. Thanks in advance for your help.

ohhh boy. Where to begin.

First of all, get both of them off the pine bedding. Pine is HORRIBLE for rats and should never ever be used. If you want to use a wood chip bedding, use Aspen only, never any pine or cedar. Ornacyn will not do anything for her, don't bother using it -- and the vitamins are no good either. Water soluable is a horrible way to go with any small animal simply because to be sure they're getting the dosage they have to drink the whole amount, and who wants to drink water that tastes funny? Nope, nope, nope!

For an upper respiratory infection, begin by giving her treats of dark chocolate and peeled orange slices to keep her slightly more comfortable until you can get her into the vet to have her looked at. A KNOWLEDGABLE vet will prescribe you baytril or doxycycline (or both), it'll be a sweet substance you give them by mouth twice a day for 10 to 14 days (preferably 14).

The pet store is dead wrong - my advice - don't go back!