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Weird Noise

21 17:51:29

I just got her and this is the first time she's made it, I'm not sure but her stomach feels a little bloated and she keeps licking her mouth

Here's link to it.

She kinda jerks forward when she makes the sound, kinda like she has to vomit but doesn't I haven't fed her anything but Reggie Rat Food and Lab blocks. It stopped now, but I'm still curious in case it happens again.

If you could tell me I'd really appreciate it.

Is she drooling while she does this little gagging thing? If so, she's choking.. as long as she's breathing, allow her to work through it; if she stops breathing you need to get her to a vet. Those are pretty classic symptoms.

For the safety of my PC I really can't open your video (I'm sorry; I just can't have a compromised firewall on a business computer); but thats what it sounds like to me.