Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat lump

rat lump

21 17:23:53

QUESTION: hi i have a 2 yr old female rat i noticed last night when i picked her up that she had a lump under her skin between her front legs and I'm worried as it's about the size of a marble please can you help me

ANSWER: Is the lump free-floating or connected to her chest wall? Does it move when you poke it? Is it squishy or hard, or squishy with a hard lump in the center? Do you see a wound anywhere near the area at all (could be scabbed over, look closely)? Does she act like it's hurting her?

It could be a tumor or an abscess. Abscesses normally have a small hole that will rupture and ooze after a short time period. To encourage that along, you can hot pack it. However it may also be a tumor; which would only be removed via surgery. If you answer those questions, I can help you narrow down which of the two it is.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: it's hard and it's feels like it's not attached 2 anything there is no scab on her at all

Then it's likely a tumor, which may continue to grow until it eventually drags on the ground (which will lead to rupturing and infection). I suggest having an estimate done at a qualified vet specializing in 'pocket pets' about seeing it removed, if you have the money.