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Weak rat cont.

21 17:49:18

I tried steaming her without taking her out, she didn't get very stressed out
and she seemed to breathe a little easier for awhile.

Her mouth is open a tiny bit when she breathes and she's all puffed up. but
when i walk up to the cage she comes over to me, so i guess she's not feeling
too horrible.  I tried giving her her absolute favorite treat (A strawberry yogie)
and she ate it a little, that made me happy but she still won't drink.

Should i try a needless syringe to try to get some water into her? she seems a
little dehydrated.

I don't want to wait until tomorrow to get her to the vet. Do you know of any
emergency vets in oregon that i can take her to today?


I thought for certain I told you to use either a syringe or bulbed dropper to use for fluids, even sugar water will do....kool aid, pedialyte etc.... and also baby food, allowing her to lick it from your fingers and if she wants, put it on a flat dish too. Either way, its important she gets fluids in her if she isnt drinking good.

Here is a place to take her right now....they said they are waiting for you if you want to come in:

St. Francis 24 Hr Animal Hospital

They are about 19 minutes from Oregon

Animal Hospital & Emergency Services 24/7

   12010 NE 65th
   Vancouver, WA 98682

Here is another one....they also see rats although I heard better things about the first place:

Northwest Hospital
1945 NW Pettygrove
Portland, Oregon 97209
(Preferred mailing address)
Phone: (503) 228-7281
Fax: (503) 228-0464