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Owning rats while pregnant?

21 17:21:26

I own 4 female rats and I just found out Im pregnant. Are they safe to play around me still? Can they still give me kisses? Will I need someone else to clean their cage? I love my girls, I would hate for them to not be able to be around.

Hi Jennifer;
It's perfectly safe to own rats while pregnant. Other than perhaps a sensitivity to their smell (which, once morning sickness hits, you'll probably notice a lot more!), they pose no health hazard and provided you keep their cage clean and wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning up after them, there's nothing to worry about regarding any rogue germs either. I spent all 39 weeks of my pregnancy in a house with a full scale rattery and rescue (at the time, nearly 80 rats!) and everything turned out just fine :)

Good luck, and congratulations on your little bean!!