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Gadgets Lump Again..

21 17:18:17

Hi Sandra,

I have contacted you a couple of times before regarding my rats, and in particular Gadget with his cancerous mammary tumors.

During the last removal of his lump (they are usually located on the rib area) the vet took a section of his abs out as the tumor was attached quite firmly to the area. Gadget recovered very quickly  from the op. He has since lost his last brother Gonzo and is now on his own but doing well, the lump however has reappeared. I took him to the vets about 2 weeks ago and he felt the lump and said that to get rid of this one he would have to remove a rib or 2 as the lump is very very firmly attached. He also warned that it meant that he may not make it through the op as it is such a tricky procedure to preform on a little animal.

I was just wondering you view on the situation, should I go ahead with the op or leave it until it grows too large that he has to be put to sleep?

He is a male dumbo rat about 20 months old, and other than the tumors is very healthy.



Oh my, thats pretty risky.  I would not do it.....but please, lets go private and let me know the name of your vet and the location.  I would like to know his credentials and  just how equipped he is for this type of surgery and also if he has the facilities to keep this animal over night as a critically ill post op patient.   Removing a rib is very traumatic and almost....unheard of.  He should just remove as much tissue as he can remove and leave it at that.  If it grows back it grows back.  My opinion would be to refuse this surgery....esp until I can find out more about this vet and his creds.