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Pet Rat advice

21 17:11:23

Hi, um I've had my rat for about two years now. Recently her cage mate died. My rat was fine for a couple days after she was more active in playing with me than she had been before. One day I noticed this blackish brown gunk coming out when she tried to pee. What are some things that you think it could be? The vet can't see her till Saturday but I'm worried about her. Some websites said it could be a bladder infection or a tumor. How could I tell if it was a tumor or an infection? Could there be a home remedy for her? Also will she be okay if I don't get another rat as a playmate if I spend alot of time with her? Thanks for your help :)

Hi Krista

Its probably a bladder infection, and no, there is no home remedy for a bladder infection. She will need the proper antibiotics to help her recover and only a vet can supply these.

As for living alone, its really best for all rats to be with another rat. Thats like asking a human being to live all alone, never seeing another human as long as they live.  She will like being with you, but you cannot cuddle with her in a hammock or rats nest, eat with her or groom her the way another rat would groom her. They communicate in their own way.

Why do you have to wait till Saturday to see the vet and do you have the right vet for your rat?  not all vets see rats, and too many of them think they can, think they know what they are doing and end up killing the rat, so hopefully you have the right type of vet for her.