Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Punkie!


21 17:43:23

Hi Sandra!

I wrote to you about a week ago regarding my rat punkie who ran away. I just wanted to give you an update and let you know she came home! I read your page on trust training rats. I just have some questions for you. Punkie isn't shy or aggressive at all. She comes right over to my hand when I put it in the cage and she never bites. How do I go about training a rat to not run away? I am too scared to take her out of the cage. Is that right? I DO NOT want a repeat performance. Should I just keep hand feeding her and petting her in the cage? How do I know she is ready for out of cage time?

I'm sorry but I have one more question. I just got a new rat today. She is about 6 or 7 weeks old (guesstimate based on her size). She is in quarantine right now, but she's been sneezing A LOT. No other symptoms. I think it's probably Myco. Taking her back is not an option. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow if possible, the latest Monday. Do you think this is the right path? Also, I live in an apartment. Do you think that I should be concerned for my other rats? I will keep a sharp vigil for any excessive sneezing. Any advice?

Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it.



Cardboard playpen
I am glad she came back. However, you do need to take her out. Did you see on my website that you should make a playpen area for all the rats so they can play safely and securely?? I do not think its ever a good idea to let rats roam freely. Anything can happen. They can run and hide, get stuck in something,chew a cord and get shocked, get stepped on, sat on, door closed on them, heavy objects dropped on them.....I have seen and heard enough to make me know that they need to be contained in a safe area, although roomy enough to run and play. What I do is set up a big huge cardboard wall all around the room, from one end of the cage, wrap around the room, fasten to the other side of the cage. They can come out and play with tons of room. Add toys of their own and of course, you sit there and play too...but keeping her in the cage will never teach her to stay with you. Keeping them contained will. If they ever find a way to sneak out of the play area they will run right back to their safety zone. I attached a photo of the cardboard wall made by the Dapper rat.  Click the photo to enlarge it.
As for the baby rat, I am glad your not returning her. Thats a pet peeve with me when people buy a rat and it ends up biting, being shy or being sick and they return it for another. That is not saying alot to the rat ya know? They are little pets, not new shoes that you can return if they dont match your favorite handbag.  any how, new rats do tend to sneeze ALOT when coming to their new house...they have so much new things to smell and it seems to bring on the sneezing. However, you can never be too careful so its good you are taking her to the vets. Let me know how it goes!!