Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > help my rat im begging:(

help my rat im begging:(

21 17:57:18

hi im brogan and i need your pet rat lilla is very ill she wont move...her breathing very shallow and i am very worried about her i want her to live...please can you HELP!!!!??


The only way I can help your rat is to find a vet that you can get her to see and it will need to be an emergency vet. There is nothing anyone can do for her from the internet. No medicines can be given to her that will help unless a vet gives them to her. If you want her to have a chance to be treated so she can have a chance to live, you must let me know what city/state your in and what other cities surround you so you can take the rat in to see a vet RIGHT NOW if you want her to survive. Shallow breathing and lethargy is a very grave sign.  She needs medical attention.

Please write back right away