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How can I comfort my rat while shes in pain?

21 17:10:09

Hello.  I have a 2 year old rat named Squeaky.  I noticed yesterday that she was leaking a foul smelling yellowish vaginal discharge but was still behaving normally.  I made an appointment to see the vet, which is tomorrow.  In the meantime though, her appetite has decreased and she isn't drinking water.  I've also noticed that she no longer wants me to touch her and jumps away if I try.  I'm freaking out a little that I can't get to a vet until tomorrow and I feel terrible because it seems she's in pain.  What can I do for now to help make her more comfortable until she can be examined?  All I want is for her to be able to rest without pain.  Thank you so much for your time.

She needs an emergency spay. She probably has open pyometra. This is very painful. You really cant give her anything now if she is possibly going to be scheduled for surgery. Advil etc...isnt really good to have in their bodies before surgery.

Please let me know how the vet visit goes.