Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Chirping elderly rat.

Chirping elderly rat.

21 17:47:13

Hello again.

My nearing 4 years old Yoshi is starting to "chirp" a bit. She's always been a bit of a talker, but this seems a bit different. It's happened every once in a while in the past, but tonight it was constant as soon as I took her out of the cage for play time. I'm figuring it's some kind of respiratory problem. Is, in your opinion, baytril the best avenue to take?


Hi Jim

Yes it sounds like she has a respiratory infection and I do suggest baytril to start, but remember, if after 3 days she doesnt seem to be responding, its time to switch to another antibiotic. Also, the baytril should be used for at least 21 days or more to prevent relapse.

Hope this helps
