Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Starbuck Sick Rat

Starbuck Sick Rat

21 17:26:22

QUESTION: Sorry, I had to ask a new question, they wouldn't let me do another follow up.  I live in Glendale, CA.  The last vet I went to was in Pasadena though, so anything in the area.  I would appreciate it.  Thank you.

My rats are all pet store rats.  I have heard that can have something to do with their life span being shorter basically because they are very inbred and being exposed to so many other rats can easily spread disease.  The rats I have had seemed to only make it to about 2 years.  I am very careful with feeding.  It's frustrating because I feel like my first and now Starbuck are being taken early.  I don't think I am doing anything wrong, but it worries me.  Thank you again for your help.

ANSWER: I have a story about my rats that I bought from breeders. Each time the breeders were reputable.  The first two were Dodger and Griffin. Dodger was gone before he was 2 and Griffin died a month later from a broken heart.  He was so sad without Dodger, he became depressed and his immune system weakened and he did not have any desire to fight to live. Very sad.  Dodger died from respiratory infection that led to deadly pneumonia.  Later we found in the necropsy a huge mass in his lungs.

Second group of boys, the most recent four I bought from a breeder:
Two were dumbos, the other two were black berks.  The dumbos were mean to each other and the other two black rats and had bite marks all over each other and the two rats. Also one of the dumbos had a huge tumor on his chest the breeder tried to pass off as an abscess.  She was forgetting who I was and where I worked.  The two dumbos were neutered for aggression the first full day they were home with me and also the one dumbo had the tumor removed from his chest. Total cost? $400 which included a week stay at the vets.  Long story short, two of the four did not make it to their 2nd birthday with one of the dumbos passing away at just 14 months old.  One of my black rats, Socrates, died this past summer and he was about 21 months old.  One of the black rats had a bad eye infection and now has just one eye after we had to have it removed.  The surviving dumbo, Smudge, just died two Sundays ago after a year long battle with heart disease, blindness and he was unable to move his back legs since December.  I had to have him put down.  I am still broken up over it and just finished putting flowers on his grave about an hour ago.  He was just 31 months old.  The only one left out of the four is the one eyed boy, Santana, who I adore with all my heart.  My other rat is four years old. His brother died in December at 3.5 years old from a stroke. Guess where I got those two boys from? THE DOG POUND!!!!
My other older rats were feeders that I rescued after the snake didnt want to eat them.  Charlotte died at 3 years,3 months and Oreo was pushing 3.5 years old. Feeder rats.   So, it really just depends be honest, it depends on the rat actually.  I have always used a litter pan and they never have alot of dirty litter in the cage bottom, they eat homemade rat food along with regal rat that is low protein, and they get veggies every single day. I do know that often a pet store rat may be sick but it depends on the way the pet store cares for them too. If they are over crowded in tanks on pine and fed crappy seed mixes, thats starting them off on a bad foot...errr...paw.   I dont think your doing anything wrong either so dont ever think you are.  I always tell people they can only do as much as they are capable of, be it financial or the lack of a good vet etc...  and with the way our economy has been, its hard for us to get our bills paid on time let alone take the rats to the vets and spend hundreds.  I am hoping more vets are willing to work with all pet owners and not allow finances to stand in the way of keeping pets of all species healthy.

If you want to see my boys, go to my website, and the page (url below) ABOUT ME.  I have all three boys on there but have not taken SMudge down yet as one of my living boys. Its still too fresh.

Anyhow, here is what I have as far as vets go. This vet, Dr. Levine, is a master in exotics and exotic companion mammal specialty and is highly respected in this field. Its worth the trip and you know your rat is in excellent hands with Dr. Levine!  I would call first thing Monday and get your little one looked over.

Dr. Bruce Levine
Animal Care Wellness Center    
3928 N Sierra Way
San Bernardino CA 92405
Phone:    909-883-6464

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One quick thing.  I just tried to call Dr. Levine, but they said he was no longer at that vet and they were unsure of where he went.  I googled him and I think I found him at this location;

Bruce S Levine DVM, ABVP Avian & Companion Animal
16540 Harbor Blvd, Ste A
Fountain Valley, CA  92708

but when I called, no one answered and I think I was directed to some sort of recorded voice speaking Spanish.  I just wanted to let you know for your records.  I'm not positive where he went.  I appreciate you directing me to him, but it looks like he's sort of disappeared for the moment.

ANSWER: Oh no, I am bummed.  He is AWESOME!

What other cities are close to you?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, let's see.  I'm very close to Burbank, Hollywood, anything in the San Fernando Valley for the most part.  Anything in Orange County is pushing it a little in distance, that's about an hour or more from me as well as Torrance and parts of Southern Los Angeles.

Dr. Tia Greenberg
Westminster Veterinary Group
6621 Westminster Blvd.
 Westminster CA 92683
Phone:    714-899-1100

I went NUTS when I realized that your close enough to see Dr. Greenberg. This place is also awesome for rats!!!!!

This is what they say about exotics:

"We are one of only a few hospitals in California with extensive experience in bird and exotic animal surgery."

It may be about 40 mins. but it is worth it. I drive that long or longer.

Please keep me posted!