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healthy pet rats!

21 17:26:49

my husband and I are proud owners of 3 awesome rats. (2 females, 1 male) I have had a few before and know that rats do not have a long life span! What advise do you have for making our wonderful critters heathly for yrs to come? They are all around 2 yrs of age, and seem to be very healthy. I notice lots of sneezing from one female and the "bloody" nose look, but hear its normal..
we feed them rat pelets and give them yogert rodent bites for a snack. any other good nutritional foods you suggest?


CHeck out my site, CRitter city, and the URL that is above takes you right to the page on proper diet for healthy and happy rats!  My boys are 3 and 4 years old!  Also read the page on "bloody nose and eyes" for more info on porphyrin discharge.