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inner-ear predisone treatment

21 17:26:29

hello again; a little while ago i wrote to you about my rat having an inner ear infection; you told me the medication to get and after failing to find a vet in my area that would prescribe the baytril and metacam i needed; i decided to go with a friend to the doctors (human dr.) office and managed to get amoxicillian (250 capsules) for a 'kidney infection' and my friend got a refill on her predisone tablets for her 'lungs' anywho after much hassle i manage to get the meds; find the proper doses for my rats weight and weighed out the medication on my roommated drug scale (Dont worry i washed the surface off very well and used thin paper on top of that to avoid cross contamination; taking into account the weight of the paper when weighing out the doses. anywho i was just wondering how long i should treat with the predisone for. i just started yesterday but where unable to find out how many days i should treat with the predisone. also i am treating with the amoxicillian for 21 days. if that long enough? may rat has had this inner ear infection for quite some time before i managed to rescue her from her previous owner and properly treat it. how long do you thing it should take to see some inprovement?

How much water did you add to the amoxil?   You should have added 12.5 ccs of water to one 250 mg capsule.  I dont know how you mixed it though....and the can crush the tablet up. How much are you using of the pred?
How many mgs is the pred?

Also, why couldnt you find a vet to give you the proper medication?