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My Rat has... help!..?

21 17:21:59

I have 3 rats. I have 3 females and used to have one male. The male had to be put down due to chronic ear infection. My question is regarding his sister. These were feeder rats so I understand if they have lots of problems. Anyway, this evening, when I went to clean the ratties cage, I saw that lyla (the sister of the male--who is almost a year) was pooping on my bed (or so I thought). Later tonight I saw that same image and was a bit concerned why it has not passed.. So, the "nurse" in me went to go help her pull out the poop that might be stuck. When I set her down and started picking at her butt removing the poop, she started bleeding bright blood. Not a whole lot, but enough to make me worried. I'm afraid maybe she got into a tiff with the others, or perhaps she passed a big poop which might of torn her butt hole, or I picked off a scab. I did research, so my husband felt her belly and it didn't feel bloated or distended, she's eating, running around like crazy, jumping, licking my husband. I am confused. Were planning on waiting until morning and if she still has bright blood coming from her but, we'll take her to the exotic vet by me. Any ideas what this could be from, or what it could be? How do I treat whatever it is? HELP! I don't want to lose her like I did her brother.


Is there blood coming out on its own or when she passes a stool?  

The good news is she is acting ok.  She may have a little polyp in her rectum, but its too difficult for me to say really without seeing her.  I am hoping it isnt more serious. Has her stools been hard in the past? Dry? White in color?

Any chance she could have eaten something sharp, such as a jagged piece of plastic etc...?

Also, I am confused about why you lost your boy to ear infection? usually they are not fatal and can be treated with steroids and antibiotics.  

Anyhow, please let me know how it goes for your little girl at the vets.  Fingers are crossed it isnt anything more than a broken blood vessel from passing dry hard stools or as I said above, possibly some rectal polyps. That would be the better news.

Also, be sure the vet is exotic certified and not simply a vet that sees exotics on the side along with dogs and cats unless the vet has a strong interest in exotic medicine and has extensive training working with rodents. This is something that needs addressed properly and sometimes Vets that say they see exotics have just the bare minimum experience with rats. Hopefully you have already established a relationship with this vet and know all about him (or her:) and I am being overly cautious, which would also be good news. :)