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Weight loss

21 17:22:00

QUESTION: Hi, over the past week or so my rat has lost a lot of weight she about 4months old now and still seems herself though she has always been a shy rat she still takes treats and seems to be drinking ok and still likes to play with the other rats am worrid something else is going on as I know rats are good at hiding illness.


What type of diet is she eating?  Can you tell me what her weight is now?

How often do you feed her?  Does she have food down at all times?

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QUESTION: Hi, she eats a mixture of rat mix and fresh vegables and dryer fruit there's always food down I couldn't tell you her weight but she is really small you can feel her ribs without havin to press on her too hard. She still takes treats from me.

ANSWER: Her diet seems pretty good, but I am wondering if the rat mix is the mix made up of mostly seeds etc...?   If so, this is not really super nutritious.  Do you see her eat? Are there other rats in the cage with her that may be keeping her from eating?  

I wanted to go over these few things first before deciding if she needs a vet or if she is simply growing and going through a period where she will be growing longer rather than wider, with time to fill out later.  Some rats do this as they grow and she is at the prime age for this.

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QUESTION: Hi, she lives with 3 other rats I do see her eat but I do think she's at the bottom of the social order. The rat mix does seen to be made of alot of seeds and she does drink.

Thanks for answering my questions.  This says alot.

I do not think she is ill, but do think she is perhaps not getting enough nutrition. She is probably the last to eat and she probably spends just a little bit of time eating when she does get her head in the dish.  What possibly happens is this: She goes to eat, the others see her and make a mad dash for the food, even if they dont really want to eat.  So she stands down, letting them nibble again.  Finally when all is clear, she nibbles some but has little appetite now.

Also, the seed mixes are not the best for her. They all need a better diet which includes less protein and fats

Check out my critter City site and the page on proper diet for rats.

Also, today to get started, make a nice soft scrambled egg for her.  This has some good nutrients for all of them.  Also, offer her some ensure or boost, both are liquid diet supplements to help put on weight for humans but its fine for ratties to have some for this type of condition. Offer her a few spoonfuls of it for a few days.  She will love it!  Let her lick it from a flat dish. I suggest you let her have this treat alone instead of giving it to the rats that are not under weight.

If she doesnt seem to be gaining weight, doesnt seem to want to eat, drink, or becomes lethargic, please let me know and I will suggest a good vet for her to see to have some blood work done.  Also please note her water intake and let me know if she seems to be drinking more than normal.