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ticks or mites?

21 17:02:34

i have recently noticed bugs on my pet rat rascal. he is two and a half years old and lives in his cage alone. the bugs are very small but not hard to see against his white fur, they are a somewhat dark brown. they are mostly around his lower back and his hair is thinning there now. it doesn't seem to have affected his health much. if i get him to hold still long enough then i see them move, like larva of some sort. they have only been there about a two or three days as far as i know. im not sure wether to take them to a vet or not considering i don't even know what they are. i have done a little research on rats with bugs, but im still confused on what Rascal may have. what i want to know is what they could be and if they could harm him or myself. please help, i love my baby and im worried something will happen if i dont get rid of them soon!

Sounds like mites.  Ticks burrow under the skin.  You need to get some revolution or ivermectin from your vet. DO NOT use any powders or sprays and nothing from the pet store or any other store is safe for your rats.  Revolution or ivermectin is the best way to go.