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Elderly rat with reoccuring tumors

21 17:10:50

Hello Sandra,
My Mr White has been having problems with reoccurring tumors on his right under arm:( We have had 3 tumors removed and they always come back. This time they came back about and inch down from the original site. The problem is this time it is clusters and has went from 3 pea size tumors to 5 or 6 tumors some are about the size of a very small pea and two of them are about the size of a tiny grape.
The problem is that Mr is 4 years old he is showing signs of old age. I am afraid that he will not make it through another surgery.
The last one was about 3 months ago. While he made it through it was very hard on him. Right now he has severe skin problems that we are keeping somewhat controlled and he is starting to loose function in his hind end. I do not feel he is in good enough health to risk surgery. The tumors are growing at an extremely rapid rate. I am feeling very conflicted as to what to do. I do not feel his immune system is strong enough to put him on prednison he is already on doxi for life... I am so worried and I need someone advice:(

Thank You

Leave him be.  He is at an age few rats live to see. You have done an excellent job with Mr.White to get him to this point in his life.  I have only had one rat live to be past 4 years old and several others close to being 4, and I am a rat specialist!!!  Most rat lovers say goodbye before the rat turns 3 years old, sometimes sooner....much sooner.

The problem is this: His body has already passed the max time it was made to sustain life. His bones, his organs, including his skin since skin is also an organ...and he will take longer to heal.  His liver and kidneys cannot filter like they used to and anesthesia is more of a risk than ever for him now.  I would try the prednisone but put him on baytril along with the doxycycline.  This will ensure that it will conquer any pending secondary infections that may occur from steroids.  However, rest assure that it will take longer than you may think for the steroids to cause any problems with his immune system.  Possibly longer than his life span. I would not worry about it and let him have the prednisone.  Once a day dose may even slow down the growth of the tumors.  This will even help any discomfort he may have with his hind quarters and help him there, too.   
So there is my advice.....enjoy Mr. White, spoil him to pieces but do NOT put him through another surgery. Its not worth the risk....