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Elderly Rat with Pituitary Tumor

21 17:09:58

Hi, we have 7 rats at the moment.  Our oldest girl, 3 yrs, has a pituitary tumor.  She's still got a lot of love in her and is still managing to eat ok.  We hold her food for her and also give her soft foods to lap up herself.  We're beginning to think she might be better off separated.  The other girls are starting to snatch food from her and they kind of just trample on her like she's not even there.  Some of them do stil snuggle her from time to time, but no one is really spending time grooming her.  We were wondering if it would be too stressful and confusing to her to be moved to a cage by herself.  I don't want to upset her since I can't imagine that stress would help her situation.  What would you suggest?  Thanks.

I would move her alone if she is  going to hurt herself, but usually when a rat is like this they know their limitations and wont usually try to move around as much.  If they take her food etc....perhaps maybe putting her in another cage with just one of her cage mates?