Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat is dying! HELP!

My rat is dying! HELP!

21 17:19:28

My female dumbo rat is at least one year old.  We got her from a pet store so her exact age is unknown.  In the last week her weight has decreased dramatically.  In the last 24 hours we have noticed her hair falling out, a drastic reduction in her energy (she usually loves the wheel), her feet have lost their pink color, and her back toes have turned an ugly black.  Our vet isn't available until monday so I'm wondering if you can help us out.  Any advice is greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

She needs an ER vet that knows about  exotics, or at least one that can sustain her in oxygen.  Her extremeties are turning darker due to lack of oxygen. This is called cyanosis and is an indicator of respiratory distress.

She wont make it till Monday without oxygen.

Please let me know your location so I can find an ER vet open in your area.