Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > 1 year old rat with labored breathing

1 year old rat with labored breathing

21 17:19:25

I have a 1 year old non fixed female rat that is getting skinny and has labored breathing that I got from a friend who was breeding his rats. She is on paper bedding and with another female rat(who is 3 months old) that is perfectly healthy and not showing symptoms. I have not had her for even 3 months. I cannot afford to take her to a vet. Any advice? If possible please reply to


The only thing you can truly do to help her at home is to encourage her to eat with tasty, easy foods (baby food, for instance) and a cool mist humidifier. The humidifier will help her breathing some. Unfortunately there's no "cure" without seeing a vet, but that will help her stay comfy.