Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Gender


21 16:50:24

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I just bought 3 young rats and I was told they were all male. 2 have the obvious signs and one rat I'm hoping he's just late in developing. I definitly don't want babies so if you can tell from the pictures I was able to snap from my wiggly friend would be great!
Thank you, if it's a female I will get a seperate cage and try to buy one of its sisters.

Hi Jennifer,
This looks like a girl. Separate her immediately. If you're lucky, she isn't pregnant yet.

The most definite test is to press down gently on either side of what appears to be a penis (the urinary opening for a female looks a lot like a penis) in a male the red penis will pop out, but not in a female.  The female also has a vaginal opening directly behind the urinary protuberance. Also, only females have visible nipples, but they can be hard to see.