Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Neosporine


21 17:16:26

Today after a bath(first one in 2 months)i noticed a small spot on one of my rats tail and was wondering if i can use a topical antibiotic such as neosporine? and if so will it make them sick or hurt them in any way if it is ingested? also should i put a band aid on it or some other type of bandage?i have 4 kids who would be very devastated should anything happen to then as would i so any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Neopsorin is fine, its ok to use it.  They will lick it off but its ok dont worry....just try to keep the rat busy so it can absorb and do its job.  It wont harm them if they do injest it.

As for a bandaid, dont bother.  The rat will chew it off in seconds!

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