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My 2mon. old albino seal point has a tumor

21 17:01:09

She looks fine and at a young age had a litter of eight. A few days ago she had a bump on her  neck  On her chin looks bigger everyday from her chin to collarbone. She is so young and in my experience I have never seen such a young one with a groth. She is in the last stages feeding her babies I hope a pup bit her. And tumours scare me. Vets in the past have made it hard on our other girls and they were older. What is my best choice for Rose Red my little mother of nine?

Hi, Erika
2 months? Was the litter accidental? Sorry, 2 months is pretty young. It's also young to have a "tumor" or what sounds like a tumor. It sounds like a mammary tumor, because she's pretty young. Absess tumors occur in older rats and sometimes have a smell. Since she is nursing I think she does need vet care, maybe not getting the tumor off yet but at least some extra netrition. If you don't want to have her die early (She will probobly die from the tumor) I suggest you get it off, she might have side affects but it's better to have it off then to have her suffering from the tumor. It doesn't seem like her pups bit her but then again I would get it checked out.
Good luck, Hope it helped.
Don't hesitate to ask any more question!