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rats with ringworm

21 17:24:24

i have a friend who has two pet rats. she puts both of them up on her shoulders. she first started to see little scratches around her neck. Then she said they look like bug bites. then holes came in. the holes got bigger and bigger until the looked like rings. she has about 10 all the way around her neck. her doctor said it was ringworm and we knew the rats did it because the rats are the only thing hanging out up on her neck. I realized that i had a pet rat also and that he has been up on my shoulder. my mother called the vet and reccamended Chlorexiderm to bathe the rat in even if it isnt infected. i was wondering how do you bathe a rat with that?

I have no experience with chlorexiderm. If you can see the spots on the rat, a basic antibacterial or antifungal creme will work - like the stuff you use for athelete's foot. If ringworm spots are unable to be seen by parting the hair and searching the rat, then yes, a dip would be necessary; but I've generally used Lyme Dyp, which is obtained from your vet. Most antibacterial dips; and I assume it would be this way for chlorexiderm, is to mix up your desired amount, soap the animal up in it, and make them sit for a few minutes (2 to 5 usually). Then you rinse thoroughly. Some dips require letting the animal dry in the substance. Usually these things come with directions on the bottle, though; so I would imagine you could start there.

You can treat ringworm spots on people by using a anti-fungal (like tinactin) as well. Good luck.