Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > i had to send u another email, i cant reply enymore

i had to send u another email, i cant reply enymore

21 17:57:26

After all the random stuff that has happen in this house, i really wouldn't be surprized. i could tell hundereds of stories... nothing else makes sence, it could have been my sister... I tried explaining to my parents that wat ever killed my rats could be deadly to us, dont they use rats to test new products? they dont seem very worried about it. I was supose to watch my sisters kid this morning and i was too upset to deal wit a baby, i told him that and he got very mad and said "everything u own will be in the driveway". I dont think they could do that, but their really is no other explination. that's what ive been thinking, that is probley what im gonna think from now on, there is no way to prove it tho. I've heard that the red bedding could kill them, i use the white... do u know wat happens to rats that die from bedding?

You can write to me at from now on if you want.

The cedar bedding and pine bedding is bad for them because it contains phenol oils that are toxic.  It causes lung damage and also liver damage when they get older. It can also cause cancer too. This would be chronic though and not cause sudden death like with your girls.
If they were indeed poisoned intentionally, that would be terrible and the only proof you would have is to have a necropsy done, which is too late now of course.

I hope your male is safe!!

Anyhow if your using pine bedding you need to change to aspen, carefresh or yesterdays news ASAP. In the long run it will save your little boys life.