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My rat is losing lots of weight

21 17:19:58

I adopted two new rats about three months ago. One has lost a lot of weight and she is breathing funny, she almost looks like she is getting air hungry. She still eats and her teeth are fine but her nails are all broken off and her hair is changing color a little from the stress I've been trying to feed her lots of fatty foods but she doesn't seem to get any energy to run around anymore. I'm not the richest person and can't pay the vet the $50 plus other fees. Could she have a worm or parasite of some sort? Could the breathing have something to do with it? I'm so scared she's going to die! Can you help me?

Hi Jessica

Flu here, keeping me behind on getting to everyone.  I do want to stress that she really does need a vet.  I do not think there are any parasites to worry about, but it seems she has a respiratory infection and possibly pneumonia.  The color change is due to lack of oxygen. Fatty foods are not the answer as this could cause fatty liver to develop.  You need to keep her protein low as well as her fat intake.  Check out my website for proper diet, but do check out the page on mycoplasmosis as this is what may be wrong with your rats.

Let me know your location and I can find some vets that  may be able to work with you financially.