Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > o my god please help me i am begging

o my god please help me i am begging

21 17:57:18

My pet albino rat named Benjamin (will be 2 years old next month) is not drinking eating, and barely moving, he is usually running around and whenever i tap the cage he runs up on his wooden house, eversince 2 days ago he had just been laying around and not drinking even when i put him up to it, same with food, and i tap the cage a lot, all he does is turn his head, then lay down again. Is it because of hibernation, i don't know but he didn't do this last year and i am worried, he means a lot to me so please tell me what is wrong, please hurry and reply

Hello Garrett,
the best thing to do is to take your rat to a vet as it sounds as if he may be sick, especially since he's not eating or drinking. I would take him to a vet asap.
Rats generally live for about 2-3 years but it sounds like he needs to go to a vet asap. In the meantime you need to get him to eat and drink.
Give him water through a dropper and mash up his food if it is in block form and feed that to him through a feeding syringe. Mix the food with water or 100% juice.