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my pet rat needs help! please respond

21 17:23:06

My pet rat, Tiny, is 4 and a half years old and he is suddenly acting strange. It started this morning, because he was fine yesterday. Anyways, hes stumbing and running into stuff. I think it maybe an inner ear infection but im not sure. He fall once into his food bowl too. But, im most worried about this greensih film over one of his eyes. i dont think he can see out of it. Is there anything i can do from home? Because we do not have the money for a vet.

Tiny is a wonderful old man. I recently lost my oldest boy who was a bit over 4. They are wonderfully grumpy at this age, and fragile. Each day that Bo would wake up was like a blessing to me. I never knew what to expect when I would go to his cage in the morning because he was so old. He was healthy too, and suddenly fell ill right before he had to be put down.  I am still heartbroken over it.  :(

As for your grand old man, he may have an inner ear infection that is causing him to be dizzy and disoriented, but at his age it could be anything.  However, when you mentioned the green film over his eye, that indicates infection and he needs oral antibiotics.
He probably will be just fine once he is treated. I know you said you cant really get to the vet, and trust me, I just spent $253 on my very sick dog the other day that was supposed to be put aside for other things, but when it comes to treating our pets, there is really no other answer but to do our best to get them the medical help they deserve. Discussing payment options with the vet is usually the best bet.  I wish there were home remedies but when dealing with infection that could be a potential danger, the only option is oral antibiotics that are prescribed by a medical professional.