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Mental rat

21 17:18:18

QUESTION: My sisters rat is absolutely mental and i don't think its a good type excited mental. HE runs about all jumpy and squirmy, he never stays still and he keeps getting into  a lot of fights with the other to rats. Although he never bites when hes being handled he does kick you instead and wherever he walks he usually always leaves a little trail of wee. I think its been getting worse recently. ( The behavior not the trails of wee) BTW all the rats are males and they are somewhere between 8-11 months properly

ANSWER: How many rats are in one cage?

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QUESTION: There all in one cage but its quite a big cage and has two floors and a extra little platform on

ANSWER: but how many rats are in there total....

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QUESTION: Oh sorry i thought id put how many were in 1 cage. Theres 3 of them

Often males will get kind of weird when there are more than 3 rats....the alpha role and all that stuff we dont really understand when it comes to rats.  At this time he sounds like he is just a  bit more fast and furious than the other rats but he doesnt seem to appear abnormal. If he is indeed around 8 months old, hormones and high levels of testosterone also play a key role in behavior, from a bit of aggression with the other rats to acting downright strange.  Once he passes the 12 month mark he may chill out some.