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Sick Rat, no 24 hr vet

21 17:02:16

First thing is first, I have called all 24 hour vet clinics within a two hour radius and no one will see a rat unless it is to euthanize (which is not happening at this stage).  

I have a male rat, named Adam, he just turned 1 year old a couple weeks ago.  He is a neutered male (an ut-oh male as I call him). I was interacting with him this morning, had him out for a little, and when I checked on him about an hour ago I noticed he is not quite right.  His nose and chin are soaked, I don't know if it's mucous or saliva, but it's kind of slimy. He is also breathing differently, almost slower than normal and then he will breath fast. he is also what i would call dry heaving (i know rats cannot vomit, but this is the closest i've seen).

Can you help me! I have a vet that I am going to call ASAP in the morning but I am soo worried about him.

I am so sorry it took long to see this.  I never got it till now.  However, I am having a feeling he is just fine now.  Let me know if it he ok first and I will tell you what happened....he was choking.  rats do this on occasion and it is scary as all hell.  They foam, have slimy gunk coming from their mouths, extend their necks, long as he is not gasping and is breathing he will work it up on his own.  The best thing to do is leave him alone. The food will soften and pass usually in an hour but it is the longest hour you will ever witness.  Trust me on that.  At least I am hoping he is ok as of this writing.  If the vet did see him and found he had an object lodged let me know.  Also he should be on antibiotics to prevent what is called aspiration pneumonia just to be safe.