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Lump on my young Rats Face

21 17:10:07

Hello -
A week ago, I brought home a month and a half old female rat which I named Andromeda. I also got her a female friend named Hubble, who is a bit older. Two days after I got Andromeda, I noticed she was sneezing a lot and had a very drippy nose. Thinking this was due to stress, I dismissed it. Four days ago, I noticed she was developing a lump next to her eye. I tried using a warm compress and gave her a bath to try and loosen what I thought was an abscess but no pus came out. This afternoon, I noticed a sore appearing on the lump, and this made me think it is a Zymbals gland tumor. She is still eating and drinking, but I worry that she may have trouble in a matter of days. Your website is very helpful, I just wanted to know if you had a different opinion after hearing her story. I really do not want her to suffer and if this means putting her to sleep, I will do that. Is there anything you could advise? Do you think I should separate my ratties?
Thank you, Grace

Hi Grace

I am hoping this is indeed an abscess or perhaps it can be related to her molars rather than being zymbals tumor. She is so young yet, I would really be shocked if that were the case. No wait, I wouldnt be shocked, what am I saying!  I would be surprised a bit, but shocked wasnt the right choice of words to use.

Lets play this one out a bit. Usually with zymbals gland tumor its best of course to leave it be and not dig at it and dig at it. She is too young for surgery anyhow actually. Did you compare the photos and is the mass in the same area?  Again, there is a very good chance it is not zymbals and is something less severe. What about the issues with sneezing etc??