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My rat has urine on her fur

21 17:40:39

My rat is nearly 3years old and recently around her genital area there has been a lot of urine. The urine is always wet on her fur and when I bring her out the cage I need to put towels under her. Shes drinking the smae amount of water I feed her ordinary rat food and occasionally a treat or a piece of fruit. Please help me!!

She may have a urinary tract infection which makes her go to the bathroom more often.  

Due to her age, she may also have "urinary incontinence"  which is an involuntary leakage of urine that she cannot control. This is common among both humans and animals as they age but sometimes it can happen prematurely and be an underylying condition that is treatable rather than chalk it up to being old and letting it just happen. With rats, however, there is not alot that can be done so keeping her as clean as possible so she doesnt get a nasty rash from being wet in that area is.
Keep unscented diaper wipes handy and keep her bed lined with lots of paper towels to absorb wetness to keep her dry. I use bounty. They are pricey but they do work really really good.

So my answer would be to seek medical attention to rule out urinary tract infection first.  Lets hope that is what it is so it can be cured right away.  Do you have a vet that you can see, an exotic vet?