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Scaredy Rat

21 17:55:25

I got a male rat about two weeks ago from my job (PetSmart) he is sweet and well
tempered in regards to handling but he is terrified of everything else but me
and his cage. I'd like for him to explore my bed and even perhaps my room
eventually, but how do I get him from coming out of my shirt and exploring the
house? He will sit up against my neck but will zoom right into my shirt as soon
as he knows its open to him. He'll play tag and clean my fingers when in the
cage or my shirt, but anything else and hes afraid. How do I get him aquainted
to the outside world?

Hi Kelcie

I am glad your rat at least isn't shy of you. He sounds like he wasn't very socialized by the breeder which is not a real surprise. Breeders for petstores supply so many rats that they don't have time to really socialize ratlets and they should be handled from the day they are born in order to have them be more outgoing than the little guy you have.
What he needs to do is feel safe in a secure area and I have the best way to do that. There is a website that tells you how to construct a wall out of cardboard.

(scroll down to RAT RUN to see the cardboard wall!)

Its pretty rat proofed so he cannot climb it. Once you make it, sit in there with him and his cage and allow him to come out of his cage on his own. DO NOT TAKE HIM OUT.By taking him out, he will only cling to you. He is not trusting of the outside world yet. Once he comes out, provide toys for him to play with and maybe a cardboard box or two for him to hide in rather than wanting to be in your shirt. He may climb on you and get in your shirt and although this is very trusting of him to want to seek safety from you, he will never learn to be on the floor playing. To be honest, he is also a bit insecure because he is alone. Rats should always be kept in same sex pairs because they are super social and need the companionship of another cagemate no matter how much time the human spends with the rat. It doesn't take the place of their own species, grooming each other, snuggling together sleeping the day away.  
Anyhow once he gets used to being on the floor with you, he will become more curious about the play toys you have spread out for him inside your safe cardboard wall and will become more indepenent.Again, as you can see, a lone rat tends to be insecure and clingy to their keeper so I would really advise to think about getting him another male perhaps from his own litter if there are still any left available. Males get along wonderfully with each other and alot of times people confuse the male mouse with the male rat and think that they don't get along, but its the male mice that will fight to the death sometimes with another male, not the rats.  I have all males at home right now (6 of them!!) that love each other.  Oh sure, they scrap and wrestle, but do it more when they are babies. If you notice at the petstore, young rats love to chase each other and play wrestle. This is good for them and they love to do it. They often play wrestle till they are near puberty, around 8 months old, so if you do buy another male and witness this, its totally normal.  

Hope this helps! Feel free to contact me again.


Sandra Todd