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ball trouble

21 17:53:11

I just got 4 rats. I got one of those run-about balls. They  get in it and move around a little. But they won't really run. After about a minute they curl up in the bottom of it and go to sleep. Any ideas of how to get them to run?

Hi Amber

I am going to take it your new to rat owning.
Rats are not made to run in those balls, and in fact its a bit cruel to put them inside it and they usually are scared of it. Rats need a safe area to play and roam around to explore, not to be kept inside a plastic ball. They would much prefer to interact with their owner rather than be isolated running inside a ball not being able to explore the things they see.

In fact they are to smart too be kept in there which is why they wont run in it. They would rather run freely and play with you than be inside a plastic ball. Same applies for keeping rats in a glass tank. They should be kept inside a roomy cage especially if you have four rats, and they need to climb and exercise daily which cannot be done in a tank. I am not saying you have a tank of course but I am comparing it to the plastic running ball that they are probably going to use to sleep in rather than run it it.
To have fun with your rats, here are a few good ideas that you may like.
since they are probably small, using a play pen for small animals is not going to work or they may squeeze out of the bars, so instead, you can get several big cardboard boxes and flatten them out. Tape them together to make a big wall and tape it all together. Put their cage inside of the play area along with a few things for them to play with such as smaller cardboard boxes with holes cut out for doors and windows so they can play inside them. A box full of old socks or rags for them to climb in and wrestle around in is another hit. The most important thing though is YOU being with them so they can get to know you and climb al over you and learn to trust you and love you. Rats are smarter than hamsters and gerbils and need to interact with people and not be isolated from them or they will end up depressed, sad, and this is not healthy for them.
Do you have boys or girls?
Also, check out my website to learn more about rats and their care along with seeing alot of cute photos while your at it!

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