Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > pet rat has bleeding a ear

pet rat has bleeding a ear

21 17:35:54

my rat Fizz is just over 2 years old and i came home from work and noticed a little bleeding from her ear, it looks like from just outside the ear, and it had a slight odor. my rat also seems to have slight a breathing problem too, although shes still of good weight ive not seen her eat since and she seems a bit sorry for herself because of this. What do you think could be the matter and any suggestions on helping her?


She may have an inner ear infection and the odor pretty much tells me that is probably what it is. Sometimes they get little abscesses inside the ear canal too that could be draining. As for the breathing problems, since respiratory infections are common in pet rats, antibiotics for both are warranted.  Do  you have an exotics vet? Not the same thing as a regular vet that sees exotics.  There is a huge difference.  If you need help finding one please let me know. I would not let this get too bad though since respiratory infections turn into pneumonia pretty fast.